BlueLava v0.4.3

BlueLava RoomsRoom SetupBlueLava Settings
Room Setup
To remove a room, check the delete box next to the room name. You can delete as many rooms as you want at any time. Please note that all units in a room will be removed. If you want to keep those units, you will have to move them to another room first.

If you want to add a room, two blank lines have been left for that purpose. You can not add more than 2 rooms at a time. If you want to add a room and add units, you will have to add the room Before you add units
Room Name
Unit Setup
To remove a unit select "Delete" as it's room. To Add a unit, fill out one of the blank lines at the end of the list of units.

If you leave any device without a Unit Code or a description will be ignored and therefore deleted.
Unit Code

BlueLava v0.4.3 - © 2001-2004 Ian Wilkinson (