This is The Homepage

Ah, but what is the Homepage?

That is the question that people ask (They don't really, but it starts the page off). Well it's not that exciting, this is the place that you find many resources for many strange and different things.

NEW!!! Tomato WebCam!!

Other sites have WebCams in houses full of women, or have radio controlled Cars, but we have gone better than the rest... That's right we have One and only (as far as we know) Cost almost nothing grainy bad picture of Tomato Seedlings,

Yes, that's correct, we have (what we believe to be) the first and only Tomato WebCam!!

So come and Enjoy the Almost none stop Excitement of static out of focus images of Tomato Seedlings!!!!

Come and see The TomatoCam!!!

You can see a blurred out of focus image of me looking at the camera in picture tomcam200003161612.jpg and Paul (He makes the software that keeps crashing...) in image tomcam200003161615.jpg and yes, we are leaning over. The seeds are on the back window ledge in the living room. They are next to my Multia, the point is, there is a chair in front of the seeds (so I can sit and use the Multia). This stops us from getting close to them as Paul put all his stuff on the chair in a very precarious manner, Happy??

Or watch one of the MOVIES.

The movies are in MPeg format, F9 is quite fast these days, so you should be fine with it...

The Random Background Image Thing

What is The Random Background Image Thing? Well it does exactly what it says on the, erm, yes...
What it does is it lets you have an image chosen at random for your background. This also lets you have many different type of images in different folders and this software will update the HTML files used. Yes, it uses the Windows Active Desktop, but I live with it and it may crash once or twice, but you can just restart it. Anyway if you wanted stability you would be using Linux...
So why not download it and try it, it's free and even has documentation... (That's a first for me)

Send me Feedback!! Yes you too, can send me a message telling me just how bad/sad this site really is!!

Now this site is undergoing a major change so here are a few links to things that I do or know about.

Anyone who want's to use a Tv Card to take pictures, come back here soon to download the software...

Klingon? You must be joking? Erm, No. Klingon is a language that was invented for the Star Trek Films. It was then extended so that it became a real language. To find out more visit the Klingon Language Institute.

Visit Linux. Yep, Linux. Ok, it's only an OS, but it's a good OS and you have to try VERY hard to crash it. Well most of the time you don't crash Linux, you just crash X (The X Window System).
And Now You can see what my desktop looked like on 03/06/2000 (That's 3rd of June for you strange people who write it the wrong way :) Is it Linux? Is it windows? you decide, Answers on the feedback form the best answer gets a prize.

X10 Home Control. This lets you control your Home turn devices on and off, control things like lights to make sure they don't get left on. At midnight in my house almost everything gets turned off. For example we have a show, but the power for it is in the loft, so it was on all the time until I X10ed it. Now it turns on at about 0600 and off when we are not there. If anyone needs it they just hit a button on the controller.

So you have your Linux CD, and you have your computer, but your computer can not boot the disk. So what do you do? or you can not use a boot disk or have a laptop with with a shared CD-Rom drive / floppy port what do you do?
Well have a look here.

Ever used Ebay? Ever bided on something and then gone back to find it and spent half an hour trying to find the thing again? Well if you use the quick search program from Micro$oft (donwload it from my site here). Select New, then type "ebay" in the Shortcut box (without the "marks), the select "Custom Url" in the Search box then in the URL: box type "" or if you're in the US of A try "" (again without the "Marks). Click Ok, then Save.
To try use it, in the Address bar of Internet Explorer type "ebay" then a number of an auction. so if you were wanting to look at auction number 238175483 you would type "ebay 238175483" again without the "Marks.

DEC Multia. What is a Multia? Why do I like them?

Visit my Link Farm this is a copy of my bookmarks, converted into html

We also now have a site map. This is basically this page, but it's been cut down a bit, also it has links to things that you can't get to from here.

Another new feature is the Random / Quote / Am I OnLine? page.

Register with The linux counter, go on you know you want to... So, what is The Linux Counter and what does it do.
Well it counts the number of people who want to register the fact that they use Linux on a computer or that they own a computer that runs Linux, if you want to register go ahead, they will not send spam to your e-mail address and all they want to do is count you and your computers.

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